LEA Lens - In Control Master - give permissions. For the Teacher group you would only want to select Use Communication Templates, not Manage Communication Templates.
To create a Communication Template, you would go to Schools Lens.
Then select the Communication Templates tile on the right side of the page.
Select an existing Category or create a New Category.
If you are not able to select a Category that is because you do not have the correct access permissions to the template.
If you select a Category, then you can edit that template if you have the correct permissions. If you created a New Category then you will need to select New Template.
First, write a message.
Data Tags have been added to help compose messages. To use them you will need to hit the bracket key on the keyboard, it is next to the P key. When you do this, you will see a drop down of available tags and then you can choose from the list. If you do not see it in the drop down, then you would type the bracket and the first letter capitalized. (Example Term 3 – you would type [T and then you would see all data tags that start with T)
The text message field behaves like text pad. When typing the message, you will need to double space between paragraphs. If you do not do this when the message is sent, it will run all sentences together with no breaks. The best way is to open your text pad on your computer and type your message there – copy and paste to the field on the template. This will give you a good idea of how the message will look to the people receiving the message. If you want breaks between information, leave large spaces between sentences.
Save Template
Assign Access - If you need to Assign Access to use this template. By School, By Group, By Faculty
By School – Select the School(s) that you want to have access to the template. Anyone that has a status to the School(s) will be able to see the template.
By Group - Select the Group(s) that you want to have access to the template. If the people have permission to the Group(s) selected, they will be able to see the template.
By Faculty – Add Faculty that you want to be able to use the template.
After everything is set up save the template.